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How Many Posts a Week?

There is a great post over at Problogger whose title is guaranteed to get lots of readers and will be well dugg too. 10 Techniques I Used To Go From 0 To 12,000 RSS Subscribers In Seven Months – With No Ads Or Leverage. The post is written by Trent Hamm from The...

Save time

Save 7 hours a week is how Jack Humphrey’s starts his last Friday’s Traffic report. This is what he says Web2submitter will do for him. The product has come from a need of the blogging memeners at Authority site. If you have read Jack Humphrey’s...

Systems Create Leverage

It has been said that a SYSTEM can be summarized in a powerful acronym as: Save Yourself Stress Time Energy Money One of the definitions of a system at is, “any formulated, regular, or special method or plan of procedure: a system of marking,...

Start Up To Freedom

Last Sunday I decided to get up early 4am to watch Rick Schefrens live webinar. I was surprised when I logged on and found the above image. The similarity of choice of imagery I felt was synchronicity at work. I felt I was in the right place. As the webinar unfolded I...

Time and Focus

Now I understand the value and importance of focus and how this determines my future and in turn the abundance I will have in my life. I reflected on how easily it is to get distracted and how time can just evaporate, the day ends, and the to do list is still...