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Last Sunday I decided to get up early 4am to watch Rick Schefrens live webinar. I was surprised when I logged on and found the above image. The similarity of choice of imagery I felt was synchronicity at work. I felt I was in the right place. As the webinar unfolded I knew I was. I heard what I already knew, that to be successful I need a system. Rick spoke about about the importance of having a system and how the successful people he had coached has followed a system. This reminded me that the The 6 M Profit Method also has a system that the founder of, Lisa Diane stresses is a must for success.

Rick in starting From Startup to Freedom made 3 main areas that were important for success.

  1. Success comes from within.
  2. Revenue is crucial- focus on one thing. There is nothing without revenue
  3. Employees and Customers- give others the ability to grow your business.

The question was asked:

“Are you at momentum or are you trying to get it going?” That has got me thinking about my business, so I am off to revise the session and will be back with more tips from Rick.

Tags: Rick Scheferen, Lisa Diane, ,

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