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Save 7 hours a week is how Jack Humphrey’s starts his last Friday’s Traffic report. This is what he says Web2submitter will do for him. The product has come from a need of the blogging memeners at Authority site.

If you have read Jack Humphrey’s “Authority Black Book” you know how much time you can spend submitting your latest blog posts to the important news and blog directories.
The good thing is you get a lot of traffic. The bad thing is you spend a lot of time doing it when you could be doing other marketing and link building tasks.

Brandon Hall, Jack’s partner, created this easy application in an answer to Jack’s cry for help. The video demo is well worth watching even just to see what sites you could be submitting to like Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Netscape and other Web 2.0 sites.

I like the idea that this will save me time and simplify my life. I can then have more time to develop my abundant thinking tools and tips.

You can view a demo here: