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What Am I Grateful For Today?

Back On May 5th  I wrote: I have decided to keep an online journal here as part of the 45 day Boundless Living Challenge and record things I am grateful for as well as developing my gratitude muscle I will add to it daily and my plan is too add at least five things a...

Join The Gratitude Wave

42 Days World Gratitude Gathering : Stacey Robbin and Ken Herbert who established Go Gratitiude now have a Social Experiment: World Gratiitude Gathering This gratitude wave  starts tomorrow June 22nd and  you can join the Gratitude Wave at any time. I like the...

Attracting My Omni Meditation Chair

A law of attraction story. See all they ways you can use this Omni chair by visiting Sumolounge Want to know if the Law of Attraction is working in your life? Look at what you are attracting. I will be sharing here some of the stories of different things I am...