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Evita Ochel:Change Warrior Woman

Who Is Evita? This Change Warrior Woman is passionate about about helping people to find and live from that inner peace and happiness, through balancing the Mind, the Body and the Spirit. Evita I see as being someone who can help you awaken to your highest potential,...

Empowering Women: Changing Lives

International Womens Day 2010 Today is International Day and the theme for 2010 is one that I am passionate about. It’s about empowerment and there are many different themes aroung the world. There are also many different events beings celebrated around the...

Help End Poverty: Take Action Today!

Will You Make a Difference Today? I am a big fan of Micro Lending as a way of tackling poverty. I first became aware of this when reading Muhammad Yunus’s book Banker to the Poor, many years ago. I found this to be so inspirational and a real eyeopener about how...