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Suzie’s Online Art Studio Launched

 A very special opening at Suzie Cheel Art and Beyond which officialy went online yesterday An Opening sale for the first week where there will be free shipping and insurance for all purchases Then there is 20-30% off scarve for this opening week too.  ...

Traveler’s Tales Part 1

As I resurface into the clean air and blue skies of the place I call home, after 2 weeks traveling in China I know I live in paradise and a choice I am glad we made 3 years ago After a trip to the Dr on our return and a Forte dose of antibiotics, I took the R & R...

Art Quilts

I had a request from one of my regular readers Jes from Visfitness after my post on Staying Active asking could I put some of my quilts up on my blog. I know now it is time to revamp my Art and Beyond site, put a blog on it and let the world see my art. I will share...

Beach Inspiration 1

Today I was to submit an entry form for the Gold Coast Quilters biennial exhibition which is to be held at The Gold Coast Art Gallery in August. I have yet to make the quilt, but today was the last day I could submit my entry. I have a concept and picture of what I...