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Heroes of Healing 3: Michael Losier

The How To Guy of Law of Attraction: Whether you want to heal your health, your relationships or your finances Michael Losier can help you. Michael has been working with the Law of Attraction since 1996 and has helped so many people attract more of what they do want...

Law of Attraction Fundamentals

What are you grateful for today? The Law of Attraction Carnival at Living the Law of Attraction focus this week is on appreciation and gratitude. Being Grateful and Showing Appreciation are fundamental in using the Law of Attraction in all areas of your life. All the...

Simplify Your Life

  Do you sometimes feel you have finally seen the light, only to realize that was an illusion? This is what the universe dealt up for me this morning. I had been lying in bed thinking about all the things I had written about earlier this week that, I was going to...

Thank God It’s Monday!

Photo by Suzie Cheel What a great way to start the week! Although at first I wasn’t so sure. The sun was shining when we went to the beach this morning but before we had had a swim or done my routine “5 Tibetans” exercise routine, to my dismay some...