Do you sometimes feel you have finally seen the light, only to realize that was an illusion?
This is what the universe dealt up for me this morning.
I had been lying in bed thinking about all the things I had written about earlier this week that, I was going to deliver here on the highway.
Remembering that this is this place you come for inspiration and it’s about attracting more of what you do want in your life and less of what you don’t!
Creating abundance! Living the Law of Attraction!
The Abundance Queen is not scoring too highly this week. I have had to hit that reset button many times.
So instead of beating myself up- something I am a master of! I am going to the place where I achieve balance and reflect on the abundance that I do have in my life, the beach. I can just see the sun peeping through the trees now, that makes me smile.
Just in case you are wondering, Yes there is clutter, the piles of paper and stuff havemagically reappeared this week, the email boxes are full and I have a very long to do list, that has very few ticks! Of course this never happens to other people:)
A great reason to do a few more clarity through contrast sheets on all those areas.
What do you do to eliminate clutter the in your life?
Card From Magical Mermaids and Dolphins- Doreen Virtue