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Magic Monday

The setting moon The rising sun Dolphins swimming by, Fishermen on the rocks The sound of the sea. The beauty of nature A perfect start to a new week.  

Beach Inspiration 1

Today I was to submit an entry form for the Gold Coast Quilters biennial exhibition which is to be held at The Gold Coast Art Gallery in August. I have yet to make the quilt, but today was the last day I could submit my entry. I have a concept and picture of what I...

The Don’t Quit Poem

I just found this in looking for posts to submit to Hi Vibe. I love how Anthony Fernando from Dare to Dream has put this together. the pictures and the words. So inspirational The underlying message relates so well to your abundance thinking, enjoy and send out...


Recently I have had some friends who have had situations that they have found challenging and I have felt wonderful that at times I can be a good friend often just being there, listening, being a sounding board and more. I have a poem that was given to me many years...