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Go For It!

  Don’t you just love it when the universe gives you a nudge? I have just drawn this card after wondering what I have set myself for July is crazy. If you have been wondering about creating a new role or path for yourself, maybe following your passion,...

Monday Motivation: Be Joyful

  You might remember the Gratitude Dance. I have just watched this wonderful new video where the joy of dance and the gratitude dance has been embraced by hundreds of people around the world. I am sure it will bring a smile to your face. This is a great dance and...

Monday Motivation: Be Aware

The message for me with this card is to be aware- to notice the events as they happen that are a match for what you are putting out to the universe for, sometimes it will be just a little sign. Today I got a message from Aaron at Fulltilt Blogging where I have been...

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation is a place to: Share what motivates you on a Monday Be inspired by other bloggers’ motivations Celebrate what you have achieved The underlying approach I am adopting through Monday Motivation is to motivate myself through acknowledging and...