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Welcome To Week 3 SABs

Super Abundant Bloggers

Super Abundant Blogger.

The people chosen and their blogs will exemplify abundance, abundant thinking and generosity of spirit: they will also inspire me.

Drum roll for this weeks SABS


Glenda Watson Hyatt

Glenda Watson Hyatt aka The Left Thumb Blogger and her blog Do it Myself Blog  inspired me from when I first met her at Blog World Expo in 2007.  Her blog not only motivates and inspires it provides abundant accessibility resources. In case you don’t know Glenda, I would recommend reading her  story. Glenda has Cerebral Palsy and this doesn’t stop her going where many of us would fear to tread.


Abundance Blog

Marelisa’s tag line says it all! You will find great posts here. I love the simplicity of Marelisa’s approach to her blogging and you will always find a tip or a tool that you can use.


good vibe blog

Jeannette Maw inspires me through her blog The Good Vibe Blog  and her tweets that I often retweet. Jeannette’s writing resonates for me with her focus on one of my favorite topics: Vibes.


And here is the official SAB badge for these bloggers to choose to proudly display.


be inspired


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