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Recently we shared some time with people who are passionate about old cars, , Rockabilly and RocknRoll at the Wintersun Festival. Where I live had a special event called Wintersun,where people’s passions were so evident. Wintersun is Australia’s largest Rockabilly and RocknRoll Festival.

We started the morning at the local Anglican Church where the amazing 83yeard Rev BenClarke presided over a packed church. This was the a year of celebration- 50 Years of Rock n Roll. 30 year anniversay of Elvis Presley’s death, and 20 years of Wintersun.

Rock Service

The surprise visit of the Drifters was a real treat, along with the auction of music and memorabilia, which along with the collection raised money for youth off the streets program.

Thee Drifters

The Church and the The Drifters


The Rev Ben raising the bids on the Auction and the packed congregation

Then we set off to see the variety of cars, rock bands and dancing competitions.

There was color and passion abounding. We even found this Lady In Red in Passion Red

Along with The King

ElvisElvis Presley

and the surfboards too.

Surf's up




plus dancing in the streets


Singing and some local atmosphere.

Love Bugs





and the magic of the beach that provides the backdrop for all of this.


A day of passion, color, fun, gratitude and a wonderful sense of freedom