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Tweetathon Do you ever think something is really clear to you but other people can’t quite follow it?

That has just happened for me, with a couple of responses to my post yesterday about the Tweetathon concept and the related Team World group which Glenda Watson Hyatt and I have set up on Ning.

Someone said they could not follow what it was all about. And for at least one person it was not clear how it all connected to the Library Project, which I had mentioned in the post.

I’m grateful to those people, especially because once I started to look over what we had announced in the past few days I too could see some aspects of what we have launched could do with a bit of explanation.

Time for a reprise, update and clarification (please feel free to copy and share the following paragraphs).

The story so far

A few weeks ago, Suzie Cheel was inspired to get herself to Vancouver, from Australia, by June 4, so as to become a Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator and be able to fulfil her dream of helping others to realize their potential – the alternative was to wait a year and do the course, at much less of a travel cost, in Malaysia. Too long for Suzie, who likes to take action!

And just to clarify why now, why this course: Suzie, who for the past thirty years has been on a journey of self-discovery and learning about motivation and success, has found a simple, clear, practical wisdom she wants to learn more of and share, through Michael J. Losier’s book “The Law of Attraction: the Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t Want”. She wants to be certified by Michael to teach this approach, these skills, to others. Her aim, in other words, is to become more empowered to help people apply the Law of Attraction in their own lives. Now, not next year in Malaysia.

So Suzie took a deep breath and set herself the Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) of raising the $8,000 estimated to get her there and back and cover course fees, accommodation and meals.

As part of her plan she has set up a new blog as an online studio aimed at selling items from her collection of her own art works – mainly quilts and hand painted scarves.  

She is also providing some services – a teleseminar and weblinks – for people who contribute directly: details below.

Her friend Glenda Watson Hyatt, the “Left Thumb Blogger”, came up with the idea of a Tweetathon to help raise awareness of Suzie’s project among twitterers.

Suzie and Glenda then established the Team World group on the Ning platform. They had the idea that, depending on how Suzie’s campaign goes, the Team World site could become a rallying point for other projects. That’s where the Library Project came in, at this stage just as an example of how the new community could participate in a worthwhile cause.

Since the weekend, Suzie and Glenda have done some clarifying. The basic project is the same, but there has been some tweaking of the details.


First, the good news. In the past two weeks, through some sales of domain names and artworks and some generous (anonymous) contributions, Suzie has now been able to slash the target amount by 50%, from $8,000 to $4,000.

Next, how it all works from here on.

The Current Plan and How to Participate

Contributions and What Contributors Receive

For every reasonable contribution, Suzie will provide access to a one and a half hour teleseminar, after she has achieved her Certification: value $49 (for those who can’t attend at the time there will be a downloadable recording of the teleseminar).

For every contribution of $20 or more, Suzie will provide the aforementioned teleseminar access, plus a link for twelve months on her Abundance Highway blog: value $300 and total value with teleseminar $349

The Tweetathon will launch on Wednesday 28 May, 7 pm where you live – the aim is to raise awareness of Suzie’s campaign, with the theme “Help Suzie Live Her Dream, So She Can Help You Live Yours Too!” 

For details of how the Tweetathon works and how you can participate, go to the Team World site or this link on the Abundance Highway.

The Ning Group – Team World

Initially the Team World group on Ning was set up to help people register to participate in the Tweetathon. Then we thought, if enough people join we could do other things, support other causes, as well as sharing experiences and ideas. Have a community of like-minded people who enjoy “paying it forward”.

One of the causes we could look at is the marvelous Library Project which provides books and whole libraries for schools in developing countries. There is also the amazing Kiva micro credit project. Another is helping Glenda get to SOBCon 2009. As Suzie said: “Glenda is so energetic and productive as a blogger that it’s easy sometimes to forget that she has cerebral palsy and does all her blogging literally with her left thumb. She is an inspiration to me and many others and I would like to be able to help her get to BlogWorld so she can hang out with the other bloggers and share experiences there, just as she is helping me now.”

I hope that clarifies what we are doing and how you can participate. If you think there is an element of Ready, Fire, Aim! in all of this, you are not wrong. But we are having fun and I’m sure if you join us you will have fun too, as well as helping others.

Contribute Here 

Domains for Sale Here