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Next Top Spiritual Author: Gratitude

Well I didn’t  make the 250 and it might seem funny but I feel grateful: I am Grateful for: The experience as it got me moving into action myself for taking action- has raised my profile I have always said I wanted this...

Monday Inspiration

The Heart “Open your heart now to the light and Let it shine from deep inside A transformation can occur If you are willing not to hide.” – Dyan Garris Today is the last day of voting for the If you have voted for me already, I’d like to thank you...

Monday Motivation:Say Yes To You

Madly in Love With Me Day Are you madly in love with you? Does your self-esteem need a boost? February 13th  is the day you can celebrate your own uniqueness and give yourself a special day. The founder of Madly in love with me day, Christine Arylo, talks candidly and...

Super Abundant Bloggers #13

Welcome To #13 SABs Super Abundant Blogger. The people chosen and their blogs will exemplify abundance, abundant thinking and generosity of spirit: they will also inspire me. They make a difference by what they do, and who they be. Drum roll for this week’s SABS: This...