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Law of Attraction Inspiration

Gratitude to Cup_Cake21 Did you notice a shift in your vibration yesterday? I have been on a call with my mentor Michael Losier today and he said: Yesterday was a very exciting day We can feel the shift in vibration all the way up on the little island of Victoria  in...

Inspiration Day

Barak Obama’s Inauguration Inspires  Me! Today  I woke up at 1.45 AM Aussie time( 10.45 am EST) and instead of turning over and going back to sleep I got up and turned on the TV, just to see what was happening with the inauguration. Generally I take very little...

Abundance Carnival on Wealth

Wealth has many different meanings and interpretations as I found from reading the posts we have received for this carnival. I was fascinated to see that wealth comes old English word “weal”, which means “well-being” or “welfare”....