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Once In A Blue Moon After the Event

Well I stayed up on Saturday evening to see the moon shine like the summer noonday sun. I did some reading and researching about the blue moon theory. Wikipedia says the the term blue moon has at least four related meanings. There are also differing opinions in...

Once in a Blue Moon

I have just come back from watching the moon rise over the river where I live. The sun was setting over Mount Warning as the moon rose over the sea and the broad expanse of the Tweed River. This morning when I realized it was a full moon I went searching on the net to...

Wintersun Passion

Recently we shared some time with people who are passionate about old cars, , Rockabilly and RocknRoll at the Wintersun Festival. Where I live had a special event called Wintersun,where people’s passions were so evident. Wintersun is Australia’s largest...

Just For Fun

I was reading one of my must read daily blogs, John Chow Dot Com. His post this morning was titled Miscellaneous Happenings on the net: Win The MS Zune That I Gave Away so I thought I would click over there and see what this was all about. I found that Ms. Danielle is...