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Simplify Your Life

  Do you sometimes feel you have finally seen the light, only to realize that was an illusion? This is what the universe dealt up for me this morning. I had been lying in bed thinking about all the things I had written about earlier this week that, I was going to...

The Law of Attraction is Back in Action

    Drawing this card today has had me thinking about where my thoughts have been for the last week. You might had noticed I have been very quiet on the blogging scene since returning from Vancouver. Yes I had a fantastic time. I am a Master Law of...

Monday Motivation: Be Aware

The message for me with this card is to be aware- to notice the events as they happen that are a match for what you are putting out to the universe for, sometimes it will be just a little sign. Today I got a message from Aaron at Fulltilt Blogging where I have been...