by Suzie Cheel | Oct 8, 2007 | Blogging, Law of Attraction, Personal Development
I am running a bit late with this edition. I lost a day or so on my WordPress 2.30 upgrade. Carole Fogarty, a Gold Coast friend and new blogger, from The Healthy Living Lounge will host the next carnival, which will be on October 29th and I am looking for someone to...
by Suzie Cheel | Sep 25, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Blogging, Law of Attraction
This focus of this carnival is The Law of Attraction with a difference. I asked people to think outside the square and as a result this has attracted some great stories, videos and poems and quite a few new bloggers. Welcome to all of our new bloggers. Arvind Devalia...
by Suzie Cheel | Sep 12, 2007 | Blogging
I have been asked this question more than once recently. Firstly how I got involved: I was doing Wendy Piersall’s 10 Days to a better blog and and the task on day 3 was to start to get more links to your blog and participating in a blog carnival was suggested as...
by Suzie Cheel | Aug 29, 2007 | Blogging, Law of Attraction, Make Money Online
Meg from Dipping into the Blogpond has hosted the latest edition of Australian Blog Carnival There is a wide mix of topics from Aussie Bloggers. These 2 below caught my attention For Abundance Highway readers, there is a wonderful post over at The Urban Monk on...
by Suzie Cheel | Aug 19, 2007 | Abundance Thinking, Blogging, Law of Attraction, Making a Difference
This edition of the carnival will focus on using the law of attraction – post a story, a poem, a video of an instance where you have seen the law of attraction working either for you. You can tell someone else’s story too. You might like to share a daily...