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What a wonderfully abundant week I experienced, the law of attraction was working well.

So here’s a little link love for the people I haven’t mentioned during week who have contributed to my celebrating and doing many gratitude dances.

I now understand why Michael Losier talks about celebrating your wins, even bragging when you are working with the LOA process. The universe hears this and responds to your positive vibration. Remember it also responds to your negative ones too:)

Firstly to all the 70 so people who have commented on my blog post Taking The Abundance Highway to New Heights.

I have decided not to do a roll call here as I am sure to leave someone out.

I am gradually working through all the comments, it’s a bit of a research project for me as there are so many different angles in the comments. I have decided to compile them and there may even be a series that comes out of this. I do now understand how both Darren and John Chow get Blog posting ideas from their reader’s comments.

Thanks to John P from One Mans Blog for getting me to speak out loud. I am planning to do more speaking out loud.

You Make My Day Award

Thanks to Lightening for the You Make my Day Award for positively and enthusiasm which inspires. Wow! That is enough to get me up dancing again. Remember the Gratitude Dance. I am going to make a video of me doing the dance at the beach. If anyone else want to join in leave a comment below and your youtube, revver etc link and I will make a special page of Abundance Highway Gratitude Dancers.

Thanks to the following bloggers for including me in their carnivals this week. These were first time entries for me focusing, specifically on Law of Attraction
John Wolfe at Paranormal Carnival a Monthly Carnival and Ellie Walsh and Dean Lacono at The Law of Attraction Carnival that happens fortnightly.

And to Caroline Middlebrook who too, speaks out loud and whose last post Be Prepared to Change Your Strategy At Any Time, both complements and extends the discussion that started with my thinking out loud. It will be the basis of a little mindmapping session I am going to do to get real clarity on what I want to do. Caroline’s comment “I want my work to have a lasting effect in some way.” resonates for me. Yes we do want to make money and we also want to be able to sleep at night.

Making a difference to my life and others has been my passion for many years. It does make my heart sing when I read comments that this blog & I have inspired others.

Thank you for reading and wishing you a gratitude filled week.