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school fundraisers
The Current State of Play so that makes just $3210 to go! yes I do have a few ideas!


michael losier

When you take action anything can happen. Today I received a personally written card from Michael. It was so exciting and to know that stepping outside my comfort zone, dreaming big and taking massive action, as well as allowing I was going to be in Vancover

Just one Month ago I set myself this Big Hairy Audacious Goal to be in Vancouver for this program tomorrow, in 2 hours from now I will be heading to the Gold Coast airport, to continue my journey. Wonderfully I will arrive the same day and have 2 Tuesday’s. I will be meeting with Glenda tonight and as she said yesterday on a Twitter: Remember she cooked up the Tweetathon.

GlendaWH yes, and in-person, the cooking up could be even more dangerous! about 12 hours ago reply

It is so exciting  and I am so excited that I will be able to be living my dream where I make a difference , by inspiring others to create abundance and empowering people to live lives full of joy, freedom and creativity.

Watch this space, it will be rocking when I return, I look forward to continuing to share my journey here.There will be news of special events that will help those who come along for the ride, live their dreams.

Some of you are probably asking as a friend did last night, how had the fundraising gone?

You can see from the Thermometer , I still have a way to go. How will I do it?

  • Going to extend the Chipin until my return ( Yes it is a safe way to donate as Aaron asked yesterday, it is a normal Paypal transaction,) this gives 100 or so more bloggers the amazing opportunity to get a LINK on this blog for a year, plus a free teleseminar, after June 10th this will cost $ 49, all for a chipin of $ 20 or more. who knows it may help you become a Six Figure Blogger.
  • The online sale of my scarves will continue and the free shipping of quilts also until June 10th
  • Domain Names still for sale- no reasonable offer refused.
  • The Ebay sale will happen on my return. There are only so many hours in a day.
  • I continue to receive affiliate income and have some advertising dollars coming in.

That’s all for now. There will be updates and photos from Vancouver, daily I hope. until my return next week.

I will be using twitter and doing snippets here as I get time during the week. I was hoping to have a a New Flip Ultra Video Camere to do quick blog posts, but it seems you can only get this in the USA and it cannot be shipped to Canada. I was disappointed.

Wishing everyone a delicious week and thanks for all the wonderful support. Too many people here to name It has been and continues to be  a wonderful ride.