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What Do You Really Really Want?

Do you sometimes find it easier to say what you don’t want , than what you do want?

I know I often catch myself when I find myself saying “I don’t want to………..!” and ask myself want do I want?

The words we use are so important in living in a positive and high vibrational state.

Lorraine Cohen in saying Yes To Life has asked herself this question, What do I really want? and you can hear the power in her voice that making this decision has given her.

I found this video both, inspiring and uplifting. A definite High Vibe attractor.

What are you saying yes to today?

Share your yes’s in the comments

Attract Abundance Instinctively


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Lorraine with Anita Pathik Law is running a fantastic program Align with Destiny. Yesterday I listened to teleclass with Lorraine and Anita titled ” Dramas, Stories and Illusions” a very powerful introduction to both rewriting the story of your life and to their 12 week program Align with Destiny. They have a great offer going until next Tuesday where you can get $148 discount making their 12 week program . You can listen to this callĀ  at Align with Destiny. It was awesome.