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Anzac day Freedom

Anzac Day Dawn Service at Elephant Rock, Currumbin © Suzie Cheel.

Today is a holiday in Australia to celebrate Anzac Day.

Watching the service this morning made me realise how important freedom is to me. Something I used to take for granted.

Australia is often called The Lucky Country:

For many Australians the phrase ‘the lucky country’ has a particular resonance. Donald Horne’s famous words have been used in numerous ways to describe everything that is great about our nation.

The phrase has been used to describe our weather, our lifestyle and our history. It is often invoked to describe the nation’s good fortune, from gold booms to economic booms. Recently, our geographic isolation from the world’s trouble spots has again seen us labelled the lucky country.

Freedom is for me a very important part of that luck. Freedom was referred to this morning by the young and the old who spoke at the dawn service at Currumbin. The freedom we experience in Australia is very special. Today is a time when we remember those who fought for this country, both my grandfather and father were soldiers in the First and Second World War, respectively. It wasn’t until I attended the Currumbin dawn service last year that I really felt moved by this day and understood the Anzac Day significance.

I do feel very lucky to live where I live and the magic that I experience everyday is a constant reminder to me of how abundant and blessed I am.

Aussie Bloggers has a post on Heroes: reminding us to “remember these heroes, every day as we bask in the freedom they have afforded this fantastic country that we proudly call home.” There is an Anzac Day and Anniversary edition of the Carnival of Australia at Aussie Bloggers

We see daily people from many countries, holidaying where we live, a daily reminder to celebrate the richness we have.

This is Freedom

This is Freedom, Kirra Beach April 24th 2008 © Suzie Cheel.

Do you celebrate your freedom?