by Suzie Cheel | Feb 16, 2007 | GDT, General, Make Money Online
Last Sunday I decided to get up early 4am to watch Rick Schefrens live webinar. I was surprised when I logged on and found the above image. The similarity of choice of imagery I felt was synchronicity at work. I felt I was in the right place. As the webinar unfolded I...
by Suzie Cheel | Feb 15, 2007 | General, Law of Attraction, The Secret
As The Secret is being featured today on Oprah and keeps arriving in my email, so I thought it was time to share it with the world. I know when you first read through it it seems overwhelming. Wow how can I implement all of this? What I have come to understand from...
by Suzie Cheel | Jan 22, 2007 | GDT, General, Law of Attraction, Success Habits
Now I understand the value and importance of focus and how this determines my future and in turn the abundance I will have in my life. I reflected on how easily it is to get distracted and how time can just evaporate, the day ends, and the to do list is still...
by Suzie Cheel | Oct 10, 2006 | General, Make Money Online
I have just come off a teleclass with Mark Joyner and Joel Comm about adsense. As this is an area I have dipped my toe into recently, I found the call both enlightening and exciting. Having had my inbox filled in the past few weeks with Adsense is Dead emails, I was...