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Some days magic happens!

Yesterday morning while we were were swimming at Greenmount Beach we saw a perfect rainbow stretching from the sea to the land, a magnificent, perfect rainbow.

A smiling young woman swimming near us said “Aren’t we lucky?!” I know we are.

I then thought all of the ways in which I am blessed and how much I have to be grateful for.

Sometimes I forget to give thanks for all the blessings I have.

Often it’s the simple things I need to be grateful for.

  • the magic when I get up at dawn to watch a sunrise
  • the sun shining, I love the warmth on my back as I walk on the beach
  • the sound of the sea
  • my wonderful camera that captures the beauty of nature ( yesterday being the one morning I didn’t have the camera to capture the magic!)
  • the peacefullness of where I live
  • the magic colour of the sea and trees by the river
  • pelicans soaring over the water
  • birds singing at dawn ( I can hear them now)
  • the wonderful fresh mango I will have for breakfast
  • the abundance of farm fresh food we have from the local farmers
  • wonderful friends
  • the way I can be connected with friends and colleagues around the world by the internet, barriers of time and distance obliterated
  • my shelves of books to read and inspire
  • the garden I look out onto as I sit here writing
  • the wonderful world of art
  • the magic of the setting sun
  • the telephone which I take for granted
  • having a wonderful loving partner

There is so much to give thanks for, what will you give thanks for today? Please leave your list in the comments.

Thank you for visiting and reading
