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“Carry out an act of kindness, with no expectation of reward or punishment. Safe in the knowledge that one day someone somewhere might do the same for you.” Princess Diana

Welcome to the December 17, 2007 edition of Abundance Thinking.Today is Bloggers Unite Day and today we are supporting this with posts about Acts of Kindness.

Unfortunately very few bloggers have addressed this topic. Maybe not many people visited Blog Catalog’s Bloggers Unite page. Besides making a difference to the world there were prizes to win.

So a big thank you goes to

Lorraine Cohen who challenges us and asks: Are you game to take on this invitation?

There is great power is kindness. Love transforms people and brings out their best. Imagine how we could transform the world by deliberately being kind to people every day. People who receive kindness are then kind to others. It’s a domino effect. Imagine taking an active part in creating a wave of kindness that gains momentum around the world?

read her wonderful submission Celebrating This Week?s Random Acts of Kindness at Powerfull Living

Louise Manning starts out with the wonderful quote by

Kahil Gibran once said that “Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and courage.”

Read her Acts of kindness at The Human Imprint

There is a great post by Chris at Blogs Record :Join Bloggers Unite in Acts of Kindness that is well worth reading. He has included great ideas for Acts of Kindness.

Beverly Keaton Smith from Embrace Your Gifts and Soar!, discusses ways of using Acts of Random Kindness “While we often focus on passing ARK along to others, we can also increase the amount of ARK that we experience by following eight simple steps.”

What have you done today? Take up Lorraine’s Challenge and be part of the domino effect. Leave a comment below and visit Bloggers unite.

Today I am volunteering to help out on Christmas Day, serving lunch for people who are homeless and alone. I received a wonderful act of kindness this week for this blog from Liz Strauss, getting a SOB and my Bloggers Unite story is here.

The Abundance Thinking Carnival is taking a break until February, when it will return with a new look and focus. Carole Fogarty will be sharing this carnival with me. We are looking to make this a standout carnival.

I will take do a January Carnival with the law of attraction posts that have been submitted for this carnival. Please do not submit any further posts until the new carnival format is announced.

Thank you to everyone who has made this carnival the success it is today.