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Recently I received an email headed : The Goals Workshop where Blair Singer was interviewing Jayne Johnson.

I was curious, I had met Jayne back in 2001 at a Robert Kiyosaki Workshop in Sydney. I was inspired by her approach, enjoyed talking with her and remember getting a book from Jayne Understanding Life by Lawrence West. I am now about to find this book and reread it.

As 2008 is almost here and it is time to set goals I thought I would find it helpful.

The topic of the teleseminar: Six Reasons Most People Don’t Get What They Want… and end up with what they DON’T want!!!! aroused my curiosity, so I registered and dialled in.

The six reasons Jayne says that stop us are:

  1. Assessment of Value… particularly of Self – This is often unconscious. We don’t value ourselves highly enough and this can stop us getting what we want. I see that this links into the area of both self worth and the importance of having high self esteem.
  2. No Follow up or Follow Through -This is about keeping your word, keeping the promises you make to yourself. So often we let ourselves down by not doing what we say we are going to do. I know I am guilty of this and then I beat myself up, this can then lead to procrastination and a downward spiral.
  3. Guilt – This is often unknown and unwanted guilt that stops us. We need to learn to give the guilt away.
  4. Incorrect or too small of a Context – here is where we get stuck on too small a level. We need to make our context bigger to achieve our goals and our dreams.
  5. Out of Exchange – uneven trade, where we give more than we get back in exchange.This can become a pattern that stops us.
  6. Conscious and subconscious out of synch… when that little voice inside shoots you in the foot and you don’t even know it! I recognize that in myself. We need to acknowledge the power of our spirit.

Right now the two of these that speak most forcefully to me are Not following through and Having too small a context.

What reasons stop you from having abundance in your life? Leave a comment below.

You can find out more at The Clearing Sight and read how Robert Kiyosaki developed the plan for Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Cash flow Game 101 at one of Jayne’s Goals workshops.