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Ladies and Gentlemen Start Your Motivators!

Raikkonen vs Villeneuve

photo thanks to Oalfonso

It is amazing how the universe aligns with you, when  are open.

When I set my desires for the year having an accountability buddy was high on my list. I was about to put my request on a forum when I opened my email on Saturday morning to see an email headed ” You’re a Winner! from Denise Hart aka Motivational Momma.

I love winning, money, prizes, courses you name it I like to win. Winning makes me feel great and then I know that my vibes are high.

So naturally I said yes . Then, after reading the outline I realized that this would be a great way to start the new year, especially as  daily accountability is requirement.

I was very excited.

I had attracted what I desired, even if it wasn’t in the form I had expressed, and it came easily, matching my mantra “SIMPLE & EASY” and the Law of Attraction  is in Action.

On Monday I started 21 Days of Motivation Virtual workshop and set my 21 Day desire to write a blog post each day. If you have been a regular reader here, you will know I have not been writing on a regular daily basis. I am really enjoying being back with blog and getting your wonderful  comments.

I love the daily accountability that comes with this workshop:

  • Reporting on doing the daily work on the forum
  • Write reflection on the daily exercise
  • Write at least 2 things each day you are grateful for
  • Cheering  and supporting fellow 21 Day participants
  • Having a  Motivational Tip Jar where I reward myself for action steps I take towards my 21 day goal.

Motivational Tip Jar

What I love is the clarity I now have for the direction and dare I say it niche for the Abundance Highway for the Abundance Highway.

I am looking forward to sharing my rekindled passion for writing and being here every day in January and beyond and if I slip up I hope you will call me on it.


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