Watch Your Thoughts!
Focus on what you desire!
Not what you fear!
Sometimes we get what we fear may happen when our thoughts aren’t in line with our desire. I seem to have attracted a little fear and negativity this morning and this card was a reminder to take a deep breath and focus on what I do want!
It is amazing how one negative thought can send a train of events to you that you don’t desire! The bonus as Des has just said is you can get to share the negativity with who ever happens to be around (he sent his share back). That’s what happened for me this morning after getting up to write a blog post before the day started.
When I opened this blog this morning a gremlin seemed to have visited overnight, text sitting in the header, comments out of alignment and more! ( Be careful if you are upgrading to WP 2.5.1 or if you do check all your plugins are turned back on!)
I felt my body go into the OH NO mode, I don’t need this today, I have told the world there are big things happening and that new blog will be out on May 1!
Time for a change of state, deep breathe, meditate and focus on What I Do Want. 🙂
What do you do when you experience that “OH NO” feeling?
Card from Doreen Virtue Mermaids and Dolphins deck
Hi Suzie,
When I experience that “oh no” feeling sometimes I still panic, but what I am am doing more often is closing my eyes and taking 3 deep breaths – this helps me center myself and come back to the present moment. After I am centered I am better able to move on and take the necessary action.
Yes, I cannot say that I always do this, but I am doing it more and more often. 😉
JoLynn from The Fit Shack’s last blog post..How Do You Benefit from Staying Overweight?
Hi Suzie!
When I start to feel that “Oh No!” feeling come on, I take a few deep breaths and shake those feelings away. Yes, I literally *shake* off those feelings…like dogs and birds do…Then I say to myself, “Good things are coming my way…Good things are coming my way…”
Maria Palma’s last blog post..Happiness: The One Thing We All Want
I recently read the latest book from Echkart Tolle, a book you mentioned recently.
So when I have this oh no moments you are talking about, I stop what I am doing, and just try to focus on the present moment. It is so far the best way I found to calm my body down
Remi’s last blog post..Major Shake-Up Awaits Giant Outsourcing Suppliers
What do I do? I come here and absorb all your positive vibes!!!! 🙂
Lightening’s last blog post..Chicken Stock
Another inspiring and motivational post! Right, we are always afraid to face our fears, and sometimes we spend most of our time thinking for the negatives that might gonna happen to us if we do something.
Martin Welch’s last blog post..Discovering Anglo-Saxon England- Book Written By Martin Welch
I like a good shout (if no one is around!) and then a deep breathe and use the Oh No as a challenge to find a solution.
I’ve found some of my best moments and projects have come from Oh Nos. Like your blog today – an initial pain but when the solution is found there’s a great sense of achievement.
The Anti Hype’s last blog post..How To Maximise Links From Squidoo Lenses Part 2
Amazing what taking a breath can do, it does have the wonderful centering effect- Like your new blog layout, did it come with the footer? Like how you have modifed the colors
Like the adding of the shaking and those sayings are great
@ Remi
yes Echkart is having a wonderful effect , so many people around the world being coming present
You make my day I set out to inspire:)
Thankyou you are a great boost for my confidence
When we do face those fears we can move forward with joy
@ The Anti Hype
I relate to the shout, amazing how a shout releases tension- singing is great too.
Yes good does come, at this point tonight I could go back into panic mode, but seeing how much joy this blogs brings to readers as well as me- what I get done i know will be okay, even great.
as a firm believer in the law of attraction, the idea of having to watch your thoughts is a double edged sword. Firstly, I find myself becoming a little paranoid when I note negative thoughts….I find myself wondering what I have brought upon myself….
Secondly, and more positively, it serves as a constant reminder that good thoughts yield good results…so I am more vigilant about keeping a positive attitude!
I find there is more than one kind of “Oh No” feeling. Some are just fear based stress and the faster I can clear those, the better.
Others are actually my intuition speaking up and I had darn well better listen and not just brush it off as though it was the first category. Sometimes a change of plan is needed and I have not realized it until I got the feeling.