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What are you grateful for today?

Yesterday I joined my friend Stephanie Bell aka Spirit coach on her weekly radio show Passionately Positive

Stephanie shared a new gratitude daily practice that is helping her to power forward in her life. It is also helping her to get clarity.

Each night I write down 5 things I am grateful for and have shown me how abundant I am.

The practice Stephanie has started expands the gratitude process for me into the area of becoming a Deliberate Attractor using the Law of Attraction.

I am starting this new process today and will treat myself to a new journal

So you start by writing down:

  1. 5 things I am grateful in advance for
  2. 5 things I am grateful for now
  3. 5 things I hand over to my Universal Dream Team

Then set your intention for the day or if you are doing this in the evening, for the next day or your dream state.

What gratitude tools work for you?

Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers in USA- have a deliciously abundant day

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