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Michael Losier and the Law of Attraction

Todays post is a guest post from Annette Pedersen . Annette and I met last year online through Boundless Living Challenge. Last Thursday Annette got to meet my LOA mentor. Michael Losier and is sharing her experience of this seminar. Enjoy I did 🙂 I actually felt like...

Law of Attraction Card: I Choose

“I can create my world as I choose” How does your mind and body react when you read those words? The words from Abraham on the back of the card read: You are here to create the world around you that you choose, while you allow the world – as others...

Weekend Goals Sometimes Suck!

Have you ever set a goal that you plan to achieve over the weekend, thinking you had loads of time, only to get to Sunday night and have achieved one or none? That’s was the weekend just passed, but I am still smiling. So there was The goals Then the state of...

3 Simple Words That Stop You Moving Forward

These 3 Words have the power to change how you feel, whether negative or the positive. 3 Small Words Don’t, Not and No Zap my energy So when I catch Myself saying Don’t Not and No I ask Myself So what do I want? Listen to your words today. How often do you...