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Welcome to the Abundance Cafe

abundcafe1 Monday at the Abundance Cafe

Take a pit stop off the Highway for some  inspiration from our Super Abundant Bloggers

This week I have shared articles that are about getting in the groove for 2010


Lynne says:Every single day I wake up and take daily action towards my goals. this is very encouraging


Abundance Tapestry

Evelyn writes” Setting new year resolutions appears to be passe amongst spiritually-aware personal development experts. More people are recommending using intentions or themes to guide our directions at the start of a new year.

30 Power Words To Activate Intention Setting


Get Organized Wizard

Learn how many days it really takes to change a habit, you might be surprised.

Successful New Year’s Resolutions: 3 Things You Must Know To Achieve Goals and Change Habits


Let’s Live Forever

Robin has decided to move on and we, her readers will all miss her and wish her well in following her passion- go for it Robin” and she says:

I’ve decided to wrap up this blog.

I’ve thought for some time I might be able to keep doing occasional posts, but I don’t think that will work—not for me, anyway.

The main reason is to do with focus—

I relate to that Robin as I move into what I know is a year of change amd focus will be a big factor.

We will miss you Robin:)

My Last Blog Post


Wishing everyone a great week of  abundance


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