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Happy Birthday to a Special Friend

Amy from Cirkla sent me an email last week asking if I would help her celebrate Jenny Mannion’s 40th birthday. Jenny is a very special person and a friend to me so I said yes.

Amy asked a few of Jenny’a online friends to give her a surprise. Amy has a written a post over at Cirkla I see from facebook Jenny has been celebrating with a wonderful party over the weekend.

Recently I had interviewed Jenny for for my Law of Attraction in Action Talk show. Jennyย  who after seeing The Secret started on a path to heal herself. Her story is so inspiring and she provides tools you can use today. Today I have uploaded it to Podomatic and you can listen to it here

Jenny is offering my listeners a special price for her reconnective healing. I have experienced two of these across the sessions and found that with Jenny’s expertise I have been able to shift a block that happened for me when I was 16 years old. I had an accident, my heart stopped, I was unconscious for a week and my life changed. I was blessed not to suffer any brain damage but have held onto some cellular memories for 40 so years. During my second session with Jenny I could feel the energy shifting out of my head, Jenny is very gifted. Her blog is a very valuable resource. I would recommend this a a great blog to add to your Reader

This year Jenny keeps discovering new movies that both empower and help to understand the power of self healing. You can read how Jennyhas been intrmental in bringing The Living Matrix to New York on Sunday 30th August.

Jenny also has a series on Heroes of Healing which I have contributed to. Jenny is also patiently waiting for my final article on Doreen Virtue. ๐Ÿ˜•

So Jenny have a wonderful day and wishing you continued glowing health, prosperity and abundance

PS. I almost forgot Jenny’s Book How I Used The Law of attraction to healย  myself from Chronic Pain is a must read

be inspired


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