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Do you takes photos? Photrade is the place to visit, to share and get paid or to find fantastic images to use on your blog.

I met the founder Andy Paradies and  VP, Krista Neher last year at Blog World expo. Both fun people and look forward to partying again this year.

I joined photrade then planning to upload lots of photos and get paid for others to use them. It was very basic when I first joined. Today it is looking very professional, has a very friendly user interface- and I love the watermarking feature. I have just uploaded a lot of photos and quickly loaded them into different galleries. I have started putting up my favorite sunrises and beach photos. I have also set up a scarf and art quilt gallery. .

I can see that this has huge potential for those of us who love taking photos.

Want to improve your photography. Visit hyperhocal

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FREEI have a few invites for a free pro-account for a year ( value $25). Leave a comment below if you would like to make some money from you photos this year. I love looking at other peoples photos so leave a link to your favorite photo.