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Courage Prayer – Mother Teresa

There is a light that beckons you forward and it comes from within
Embrace it.
Don’t try to hide in the shadow of fear it casts behind you.
For if you are committed to finding the courage to live with an open
There is no greater way to love others, or to love yourself, than to
fulfill your unique potential,
To express your unique greatness and to become the unique leader you
have it within you to become.

Finding the courage to be a leader and touch the lives of others in
ways that only you can do, is the most profound act of love, and
service, and significance.
Dare to want more from your life and to dig deeper into yourself to
experience its mystery, its richness, and its sacredness more fully.
For when you do so you will see with greater clarity just how
universal we all are.
And sensing that we are all part of a bigger whole, you will come to
know, perhaps for the first time, that your life is truly holy, and
that it is not just your responsibility to honor the sacred within
you, but your obligation.

This is the truth that speaks from my heart.
I invite you to open yours to receive it.
“Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.”

Today’s  inspiration comes from an email I received from my friend Dr Lorraine Cohen who tomorrow start her fantastic FREE Your Powerfull YES Courageously Living An Inspired Life! Telesummit. Join in here and there will be replays if the time doesn’t suit you/

d7823dd0200ef32c4dee3ee4a252ced3 Do You Fly Free?

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