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Today I  received some wonderful Valentines Day  greetings.

One was from the fabulous Mari Smith wishing me an enjoyable and yummy filled Valentines Day. Mari has a wonderful avatar just for Valentines day too.

Mari also tells her wonderful love Law of Attraction story and who on Valentine’s day celebrated her 8th wedding anniversary to Ty.

Mari writes how after she got super crystal clear about her intentions and the type of partner she wanted to attract and says:

I’m a firm believer in the importance of making a list of positive attributes – mine was 7 pages long! Okay, only about 7 items were absolute “must haves”; the rest were, “it would be nice if.”………read more

I remember doing the same thing 20 or so years ago, as I wasn’t attracting that perfect partner. I made a list of the qualities of the perfect partner. Several months later I invited Des to a Fashion parade- at that time I did know Des-we had been on the Crafts Council Board together.

Why a fashion parade I hear you ask? Well at that time I was totally engrossed in my Suzie Cheel handpainted originals textile business and a student designer who I had painted fabric for was being awarded a prize. At that time my friends, many who modelled for me were a little tired of fashion parades.

Hence I needed a partner, I rang Des and was quite surprised when he said yes. We went for coffee after the event and Des asked was I doing anything the next evening, a Saturday night. Des had tickets to a special sound and light show that was part of the 1988 bicentennial celebrations, that was being held in the Domain on Sydney Harbour.

Naturally I said yes and that evening was wonderful, the Tomita Sound Cloud  Concert was amazing. The fireworks and the music were stunning. We talked about that evening for many weeks and since then fireworks hold a special memory for us, as does that evening. I remember the next day painting fabric inspired by the event. That whole evening was amazing, from dinner at Circular Quay, a wonderful bottle of Lakes Folly red wine ( Des had been keeping this for a special occassion!) during the concert and I found my soul mate for life. A perfect match.

So for those of you wondering if you will ever meet your perfect partner, get crystal clear about what you do want.

Cloud love (c) Suzie Cheel

Meditate on this wonderful image with gratitude to nature.