Success in Las Vegas at Blog World Expo
Las Vegas is a long way from my morning beach walk.
I got to leave some footprints in red desert sand while visiting the Valley of Fire before BWE started.
Blog world was amazing have come back with lots of blogging idea and tips, but the best thing for me was the community of bloggers that was so evident over the 3 days. Getting to meet some of the blogging gurus, fellow bloggers as well as twitter friends was fantastic. Being with like minded people was so good.
Being a community focus who better than Liz StraussĀ to launch my book, last Sunday.
Liz launched my book emergings. Thanks to Krista and Andy @ Photrade and to Rich Brooks who filmed this with my new Flip Ultra Video
And yes I will be there again in 2009 .
I will be writing more about BWE08, sharing what I learnt and updating this week here, at Thinking Home Business and Suzie Cheel.
Valley of fire is a great place to collect thoughts and just marvel at the beauty.
Yes Candace it was an amazing experience