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Welcome to 51st  Law of Attraction Carnival

and the first here  at The Abundance Highway. I am delighted to be sharing this with Ellie. I know from running carnivals here that sharing takes the pressure off especially when there are so many great entries to choose from.

Now on with this month’s Carnival…… as Ellie said last month. it is getting harder and harder to pick the Best of the Best.
This month there were many good entries…. There were 5 that  stood out and spoke to my heart. They also called for an action step which is so important in attracting more of  what we do want into all areas of our lives. They are listed in alphabetical order of the first name of the authors.

June 4, 2009 edition of Law of Attraction Carnival

The Best of the Best

Catherine VanWetter presents To the Heart of the Matter – The Power of Words and Thoughts posted at To The Heart of the Matter, saying, “It is important to watch the words that you use and the thoughts that may be ruminating around in your head. It is believed that we have between 60,00 to 80,00 thoughts per day and most of them are repeats from yesterday. This article provides helpful tips to become aware of your words.”
I love the heart image that Catherine used and have featured it above. Catherine reminds us that our body is a wonderful barometer of what is going on inside of us, and a good starting point when we need to change our words and out thoughts.

Daylle Deanna Schwartz presents Law of Attraction in Action: Stopping Murphy’s Law in Its Tracks posted at Lessons from a Recovering DoorMat, saying, “Murphy’s Law, that if something can go wrong it will, is a good example of a negative result of the Law of Attraction. But you can stop it and create an outcome of having the good results you’d prefe. I love having the power to turn my life around. You do too. Use it can create a life that attracts lots of things to feel joyous about!” Dayelle reminds us that we do have the choice to create the thoughts that will attract more of what we do want in our lives.

Mina Irfan presents Why you should fear the Law of Attraction and send a Thank You posted at The Universe Guru, saying, “The Law of Attraction gives us what we give our    attention and focus on, so what do you think it does with the things we forget?” Mina reminds us the importance of being grateful and saying thank you to the important people in your life. The thank you image is Mina’s from her post.

Richard Franklin Morse presents YouTube – Law of Attraction – the Song posted at YouTube, saying, “thanks, Ellie, for everything you do!” Inspired by the Abraham-Hicks books and seminars, this is all you need to know about Law of Attraction, packed into 3 minutes of pure danceable pleasure! I just loved this entry, I am a soft touch for carnival entries that are “out of the box ” and Richard ‘s song did have me up and dancing.

Wee Peng presents Manifest Your Dreams with Power Healing Cards posted at The Conscious Life, saying, “Learn to access your untapped potentials and live the life of your dreams using attractive and fun cards in your daily life.”
WP demonstrates 6 ways we can use cards for manifesting and as I use one of my many Doreen Virtue card decks each day I have some new ways to explore.

That concludes this edition. We  offer a Big Thank You to all who submitted articles! We truly appreciate you all! To our Readers – Please leave comments here and at the author’s websites and let them know that you too appreciate them! 😉

The next Law of Attraction Carnival will be posted at Living The Law of Attraction – it is scheduled for Thursday, July 2nd, 2009 – submission deadline is Tuesday June 30th, 2009. If you want your article to be included in The Best of the Best Law of Attraction Carnival – Please read the guidelines before you submit your article… and submit your post at the Blog Carnival page.