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All is Well

Somedays aren’t all magic and today is one of those days. Do you love technology? Today I wish I was a skilled coder. I have spent too much time trying to get the Donations Cloud Plugin to work. if you head over to Zen Law of Attraction you will see what I mean. Alex left a comment saying version 1.1 was ready, great I thought, but somehow now matter what I did it didn’t cooperate. 🙁

I saw my friend Barbara Ling aka Owlbert on skype. She is much more talented in the tech skills area, so I asked her to help. We have spent many hour on it, Barbara has it working on her site , my column is now blank. Any techie help would be gratefully accepted.

I left it at that and realized I had let trying to figure it out get the better of me.

I then switched off skype, headed to the one place that always brings me back to being calm, sane and present. The beach, now that is magic and I regained my high vibes as I walked, swam, took some new inspiring pictures.

Saturday Morning at Rainbow

What do you do when technology gets you down?

Today’s card from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Deck