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You might be wondering what happened to me after my last post 6 reasons That Stop You as it has been more than a week since I posted.



Photo by HalfPinay

Talk about putting a hex on yourself!

Yes I got stopped!

I started 2008 with written goals, I know I need a plan but that was going to come later, big mistake!

As the week wore on I got a feeling of overwhelm, which became worse the less productive work I did, procrastination came to the party, daily to do daily lists somehow didn’t get written, there were lots of bright shiny objects to distract me.

For example I got started clearing out 1000 plus feeds from my Google reader and found numerous blog posts about reviewing 2007 and having a successful blog in 2008. Too much, information, too many opinions.

Instead of helping me get moving for 2008, this deludge of posts confused me.

So rather than beating myself up about what I didn’t do last week, this is what I am doing now:

  • I asked for help with my goals as these did not seem to be motivating me enough.
  • I focused on what I really wanted to achieve this year
  • I began developing a practical plan of action.


Just because week one wasn’t a resounding success, it is no reason to give up! There are still 51 weeks in which to make an impact.