90 Days Does Establish a Habit

Beach Inspirations: Habit © Suzie Cheel
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” –Melody Beattie
Back on May 5th 2009 I started recording my gratitude journal on line at What am I Grateful for Today. This was part of my 45 day Boundless Living Challenge.
When I got to 30 days I decided to extend it to 90 days. Ann Rusnak from Focus Mojo said you really need 90 days to establish a new habit, I then decided to extend my goal and yesterday I posted my 90th Gratitude post. Wow 90 days in a row. For me that is almost a miracle. I have celebrated and today joyfully did my gratitude list. Will I keep going? Yes it has become something I usually do first thing each day, sometimes before I go to bed.
Has my life changed?
- I experience joy, the ultimate feeling.
- I am feeling so abundant
- I notice all the abundance I already have
- I wake each day HAPPY
- I accept I can make the choices that make me feel good
- Des has really noticed a change in both my mood and my attitude
- I am loving life, I feel joy on the inside
Share you daily gratitude habits in the comments or over at What am I Grateful for today
Suzie, this is great. I usually start off with giving gratitude at end of the day … it sustains for a week and then I forget about it. 90 days … that’s inspiring.
.-= Avani Mehta´s last blog ..Tap Into The PowerHouse Of Negative Emotions =-.
Hi Avani,
Thnaks for visiting, I have been the same as you describe in the past, now I just make it a daily thing I do and the more I do it the more I remember to be grateful. Feel free to joing in at http://whatamigratefulfortoday.com if you want to establish the habit:)
In my initial quest for personal power 90 days was the amount of time I invested and the outcome has been amazing for myself, my family and my finances. Personal development never ends but an abundance mindset is a great way to kick it off!
Thanks for your post.
I have found that in the rocky times we live in, a gratitude journal is a MUST! It does really change your list. Thanks for sharing this! Hugs and happy organizing!
Very inspiring indeed!
I had to comment on this, because I’m on a quest to change my life one habit at a time, and this habit is something I really must get into! I’m currently considering what my next habit would be.. a gratitude journal wouldn’t be a bad idea.
.-= Lauri Laine´s last blog ..A new look and new goals. What’s happening? =-.
Hi Laurie,
Just checked ut your blog, today I posted my 103rd blog post in a row and will start today on creating a new habit- O have found it took longer than 30 days-will follow your progress on twitter
I celebrate your 90 days! What a fabulous habit to create. It is a real gift to be able to read how someone can change their life by doing something that seems so simple.
Thank you – not only for the Abundance you are creating, but for sharing and showing us how to do it!