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Enjoy the riseWhat an amazing week I have had, It has been like a roller coaster since Glenda, the left thumb blogger asked " How goes the BHAG" and the Tweetathon and TeamWorld was was born.

The image titled "Enjoy The Ride" depicts the many different paths we took and corners we turned during the past 8 days.

I won’t go into to detail now, Glenda and I are going to review what we have done, what we would do differently and what we have learnt. A valuable resource as we have inspired one person who is planning to copy us. Copying I always say is the best form of flattery

I would like thank Glenda. She has been amazing to work with, I think we are a great team and can build a community  at TeamWorld, that will make  a difference and empower others.

So I would like to thank the following Twiterers who Joined Team World


Caroline Middlebrook who’s tweet brought in a chipin and a great new contact.


Showing gratitude is one of the most important aspects to moving on, growing and creating more of what you want in your life.

If you tweeted and I missed it please leave a comment below and I will add you to the roll of Honor.


Now where are we on the Thermometer?

simple fundraisers

Still a way to go, an I am feeling confident,

There is still the art and the domains, along with the teleclass and link for a year ( value $ 349)

Thanks to the following people for their chipins and some wonderful encouraging comments.

Glenda Watson from Do It Myself Blog
Richard Merritt of
Richard Ink
Sean P Harry
Lightening from
Sue from
Gavin Mountford from
Attraction Marketing
Mari Smith, the
Facebook Guru who loves BHAGS
Robert Metras
Joanne Mudd who has been inspired to copy the idea.
Caroline Middlebrook

and to Bill Vick and Mark Wilson who were my first supporters


Then there is a big thank you to  Barbara Ling who had me blushing this morning with this amazing post The Secret About Suzie Cheel you want to know. what a wonderful way to start the day.

Barbara’s blog is a great way to start the day, always something new to learn and her 21 days to a profitable blog is a must read.

To my wonderful partner Des Walsh for his support over the past week. Truly amazing. He did  say that if there was a next time could he have fair warning so he could plan to be away!

That’s all for now. Remember if you twittered and I missed you leave a comment below.

Look out for a follow up post in a week or so.

I am off to have an early night, I may even sleep in!