An Abundance Tool: Clarity Through Contrast Worksheet
Observing contrast
is essential because it helps you to become clearer about what you you want to do. -Michael Losier
Getting clarity seems to be something many people struggle with.
I was on Liz Strauss’s Successful Blog weekly open mic session on Tuesday and
Karen Putz commented :
Well, I filed some papers! I still have a long ways to go. I have a hard time letting go of stuff!
As this is what I have been working on to simplify my life, I understood where Karen was coming from and replied”
Karen I know how you feel, I am working on letting go of stuff in all areas.
Working with a clarification process that is helping.Holding on is also about fear of not having enough etc
Karen said she would like to know about the clarification process.I replied:
that I was going to write a post on this.It comes from Michael Losiers book The Law of Attraction.I started by looking at my financial situation and and asked the question what don’t I like about this- I’ll write the post and send you a link on your blog
Liz then said:
I can’t wait to read what you write. I’ve come a long way in the last few months and it started with a question much like yours. 🙂
On Sunday I decided to use the Law of attraction tool: Clarity Through Contrast worksheet to work out My Ideal Financial Situation.
You can use this worksheet for your relationships, business,health, relationships, almost anything that you Don’t Like and want to change or improve.
You can watch Michael demonstrate using this worksheet on this page.
He stresses the importance of listing the things you don’t like about your current situation.
You can do this exercise by yourself or do as I did and get someone to ask the question. You need to allow at least an hour, it may take longer.
I came up with about 30 things I didn’t like about my current financial situation.
Des then asked me the importance of each one on a scale of 1-5. After we had done this I found there were many that overlapped and I ended up with a list of 15.
Then comes the process of asking
and reframing the things you don’t like into the things you do like.
You cross out or put a line through each don’t like as you write down the contrasting like.
I don’t like being in debt.I like having clear credit cards every month
The more contrast you have the more clarity you will get.
This is the first step of Deliberate Attraction. I have identified my desire or desires for my ideal financial situation.
You can download the worksheets used in the book and at Michael’s seminars
If you found this helpful, please share your experience in the comments, give it a stumble or a digg, thankyou
Hi Suzie!
This is an excellent tool. I knew it would be a great one when you said it was coming. I’m delighted to find it’s even better than that.
I think that first we find the contrasts. Then we know what we like.
Hi Suzie!
I’m reading this as I’m running out the door. I’ll be back to do that worksheet!
This looks like an effective tool, I’ll give it a workout. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for this great information! This sounds to be an effective way to improve one’s self. I wanna try this one also. 😉
This sounds like a great tool. I’m going to download those worksheets, too. Thanks!
This looks like an excellent tool to help us stop wishing and start doing! Thank you!
Following that inner whisper before life has to shout at you makes a difference. It gets easier to be clear the more I learn to trust myself.
Wow, what a great comment. It made me laugh as I recognise how often I think back from amidst the noise of life shouting and notice the inner whisper I didn’t pay attention to or didn’t trust. Wonderful, thank you Suzie
I am going to do this exercise when I get back from my daugther’s class! Thanks for the resource!
Hi Suzie
I’ve not seen this tool before – in some ways it is similar to positive affirmations in that you are turning the negative “I don’t like being in debt” into a positive. As we know the subconscious brain works on whatever message it receives so a “clear credit card” is far better than the word “debt”.
You are so right about clarity. The clearer the picture the better. I’ve found the vague “I wish I had more money” to be useless but the positive “I will generate an extra $300 this month” really works.
P.S. Forgot to mention, I love the images and photographs you find for your posts.
Thank you Mark,
I like your distinctions. Working on some new ones for March, probablt should post then to help me achieve them.
Going to a workshope with Michael Losier on Sunday , The Law of Attraction guy, where this exercise comes from
Re photos, some mine some I now find through a new photo plugin for wordpress that uses Flickr and creative commons
Thanks, the photo plugin is a great find too. Look forward to hearing about the workshop.
I have a question about writing out the contrast and clarity list. OK since that in The Law of Attraction it states that if you think about things, then you will attract them so doesn’t that mean that if you make a list of the things you don’t want, followed by the things you do want, then doesn’t mean that you will get both?
Hi Leah,
I know it might seem strange. In my experience what I have found and also my clients is that this method of writing down all you don’t like (contrast) helps to get to what you do want. It gives you the clarity. If you focus on the negative yes you will attract that, the idea is to observe the contrast briefly.
Hope the helps you understanding
Thanx yes it does help.