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From This…..

A week or so ago I first posted this image and the start of this story: Is Your Clutter Blocking You Abundance

To This……….

DeclutteringClean Order

Using 3 x 15 minute blocks, yes with a timer and then on Wednesday morning 45 mins before I went to the beach for a walk, I was determined to get it clear. There are a few piles still to sort and a few boxes of the fabric to make decisions on.

When I glance up from my computer and look in there it t makes my heart sing, it does make me feel good. I can also feel my creative juices stirring again.

What is great I have boxes of fabric, wadding , reels of cotton that I am donating to

Today I can use the table to put together my assignments for Focus Mojo the course I embarked on a few weeks ago that I can now seem is moving me from overwhelm to success. I now understand these words I read when I first heard about Focus Mojo System.

How would YOUR life change if you could cut your work in half ?

” Discover The Breakthrough
System That
Eliminates Distractions,
Gets You Super Focused,
Increases Your Sales and
Achieve More in Half the Time…”

Now I understand this will not happen overnight, I do understand that as I master the system I will get balanceĀ  back into my life as well as having more time for fun, you do have to start taking full days off, that is no email, no work related stuff! I did survive my first full day off. Now I am off to do some forecasting so July will be a month where I allow abundance in.

I was going to think about delaying the last 4 sessions until September while I remove the mental clutter, I might well decide that tomorrow will be time to keep moving forward.

wishing you a high vibe day


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 Is Your Clutter Blocking Your Abundance?