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I have been amazed today to come across about 5 blogs that have no Technorati rating. Some are people who I thought were web savvy have said :

I  have no idea what my Technorati rating is…

I remember Des asking me back in June if I new what my ranking was:

 I was surprised to find I had a ranking of 110

Well that was about 6 weeks ago. I am now very conscious that this was important in becoming an player in the blog world. This means for me being in the top 1000 bloggers in the world. I am now at 153

 I am also realizing that many people selling blog courses that entice people that they can for 10 minutes a day make their fortunes with a blog is a totally false claim.

These courses also seem to be totally oblivious to the importance of technorati.

Some food for thought


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