Did this make you squirm? I know it did for me.
Think about lost opportunities? In business, people call this opportunity cost. Diversifying is great when you have one system up and running and making money.
Since I spoke with Brian Williams 2 weeks ago and decided to follow the path he chose back in April, for the first time, I have no regrets and am excited about starting out with Maria Andros this coming Thursday. I have been clearing my email boxes, unsubscribing and setting up igoogle to be more web and time efficient.
I am amazed and I could be embarrassed, as I have unsubscribed from more lists than I care to mention. Wow how many shiny bright objects have distracted me in the last year or so. I might start to have time to read all the wonderful blogs I subscribe to and enjoy email again.
I like what Brian says :” You already know WHAT TO DO, that’s WISDOM. Actually doing it, well that, my friend, is INTEGRITY.”
Share your thoughts and you ohno or ahha experiences
I’m so glad to read that you’ve cleared the clutter so that an abundance of prosperity can quickly come your way.
It’s okay that you didn’t complete this task earlier. You weren’t ready, but now you are. I’m thrilled for you and cannot wait to read how this de-clutter brings you rich rewards.
“Wow how many shiny bright objects have distracted me in the last year or so.” Not just you! It happens to all of us.
Not only you but I recommend that every blog lover should watch it. Its very funny.
Hi Shirley,
Thanks for your wonderful insights and encouragement, looking forward to sharing what’s coming here
Love it. Appreciate the time you’ve taken to share the information.
.-= Russ´s last blog ..Power of Belief =-.
Very insightful. Share the wisdom with everyone and encourage each person to followup with integrity.