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Evita Ochel:Change Warrior Woman

Who Is Evita? This Change Warrior Woman is passionate about about helping people to find and live from that inner peace and happiness, through balancing the Mind, the Body and the Spirit. Evita I see as being someone who can help you awaken to your highest potential,...

Monday Inspiration: Be Still

Be still, Be Calm Allow the love to flow And as the love flows The pure diamond That is within Reveals it’s light It begins to shine And reflect to you All the love it holds Sit still for now And feel The power of Your own being -Suzie Cheel Be the...

Monday Inspiration: Be Kind

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” ~Mother Teresa Today’s inspiration was inspired by Alex Blackwell’s reponse to my post What Was Your word for 2010 which was the first daily question for...

Monday Inspiration: Sometimes

Sometimes……………….. Sometimes, we jump to conclusions and make assumptions of another person Sometimes, we have pre-conceived ideas and we judge another person – perhaps their past has been different than yours, race, religion,...