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The Abundance Thinking Carnival is still flourishing and this week you can read a wonderful variety of entries over at The Healthy Living Lounge where my friend and fellow Gold Coaster Carole Fogarty blogs.

One post that caught my attention was Does Climbing The Ladder of Achievement Lead to Happiness and Wealth? a good “can do attitude” post from The Millionaire Mommy next Door. Megan Bayliss also has a post along similar lines Life rules to improve human beings- a good list

Carole  has a new Monthly feature Dare you to do something different in November– always good to have a challenge.

I recently joined the forum at  Zen Habits and has made an open commitment to start a gratitude Journal, and write 3 things each night that I am grateful for- invoking the power of giving thanks.

This might be another thread for the carnival if anyone has started a new habit and is noticing success.

The next Abundance Thinking carnival will be hosted by a regular contributor, Lorraine Cohen at Powerful Living.
Please just submit ONE post and it would be wonderful to see some poems, videos,etc. Let’s keep thinking outside the square. Remember the closing date for the next edition is November 17th at 11pm EST. Submit your blog article to the next edition of abundance thinking using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.