This edition of the carnival focuses on the law of attraction -There are familiar faces and new bloggers feature in the carnival.
One new contributor is Nancy Fuller from a very inspirational blog, at Info for Your Potential has an excellent post on the Law of Attraction This is a an very thorough overview on the process of the Law of Attraction and the Steps you can follow. Well worth reading
Lorraine Cohen’s Powerfull Living ? Power of Attraction – Luck or Brilliance? at Powerfull Living, saying, “You attracting what you desire, wanted or unwanted. You are more powerful than you realize is definatelt on topic.
Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act. has some food for thought and actions to take in her post titled: Disempowering Phrases Successful People Never Say
And remember, YOU ARE A SUPER BEING, not some pile of random thoughts and images! The final line from Arin Vahanian at Super State. A Quick Primer on How to Eliminate Fears and Bad Feelings
I like Samir Bharadwaj’s novel approach in 5+1 Simple Ideas For Brainstorming With A Dictionary posted at, saying, “The currency of entrepreneurship is ideas. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you don’t always have the luxury of brainstorming for new ideas in a group. So, here are some tips for coming up with ideas all by your lonesome, with a little help from your humble dictionary.” Thank you also for the wonderful illustrated post.
Thank you to Michelle Croft with her real life story It Can Be Done posted at Ancient Energy. Another new blogger here.
I like the way Lola relates her own experiences in Law of Attraction: Make the Conscious Unconscious – part 2 at Real World Spiritual and Personal Development, and gives us “More tips on reprogramming your mind for success”
Humour, and audio, visit Chris for a simple affirmation meditation Bart Simpson Hates Writing Affirmations at The Philosophy of Thanks Chris for taking up the challenge and doing something different
And to Patricia for her post on affirmations at The Secret—Affirmations Change Your Life posted at Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker, saying, “When you do affirmations, back them with as much feeling as you can. It gives them more power to manifest.”
Combining words and music from Tupelo Kenyon’s The Law of Attraction at Tupelo Kenyon, saying, “With anything as important as the law of attraction, it’s a good idea to hear it described many times from many different angles. This article looks at it from several viewpoints as well as revealing how to get the understanding of the law of attraction from the prime source. Many links are provided including links to streaming mp3 songs that incorporate the principles of attraction in the lyrics. Celebrate life with an ever-clearer grasp of how the law of attraction determines your life experience. (Enjoy soothing instrumental music as you read plus songs with lyrics related to each article ? all free.)”
An a short and simple post from James : Why Immersion is the Essential Factor to Any Success Model posted at The Resourceful Mind, saying, “Why immersion works and how it should be used in combination with success models and strategies to achieve various goals, including financial abundance, successful relationships, physical fitness, etc.”
Thanks to Warren Wong with practical ideas for developing a Do You Have An Abundant Mindset? posted at Personal Development for INTJs, saying, “Do you have an abundant mindset? Here’s four questions that will allow you to see just how much you like your fellow human beings.”
This post is more business orientated , but caught my attention as some of the suggestions are so important.Raj Dash presents Bootstrapper ? Entrepreneurial Mindset: 33 Productivity and Success Tips posted at Bootstrapper, saying, “Having a productivity and success mindset goes a long way towards abundance, especially for entrepreneurs. Here are 33 tips to help.”
Pat B. Doyle has a thoughtful piece on Visualize Your Success at Pat B. Doyle.
And here is a new word AFFLUENZA from Millionaire Mommy Next Door, How to Treat Affluenza: Spend Less and Live a Happier Life at Millionaire Mommy Next Door, saying, “The number of “very happy” people peaked in 1957, and has remained fairly stable or declined ever since. Even though we consume twice as much as we did in the 1950s, people were just as happy when they had less. 86% of Americans who voluntarily cut back their consumption feel happier as a result.”
Anmol Mehta presents Embrace Reality and Let the Universe Fulfill Your Desires posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, “My experience of how when I go with the flow, the flow goes with me.”
Raymond David Salas – How to Really Manifest Your Desires at Power Tools Blog.
Susan Velez presents Have Faith; Like A Mustard Seed posted at The Secret To Life.
Allan Wallace presents Join Us In The Adventure – Bring Your Dreams posted at – The BFU Journal –
documenting the creation of a new type of college, saying, “Dream of the best possible, or impossible, implementation
Cade Krueger presents Make Your Goals Specific For Specific Outcomes posted at Write To Right.
John Wesley presents Grow the Action Habit posted at Pick the Brain.
Praveen presents Goal Setting in the Present Moment posted at Tao of Simplicity.
Abundance Thinking Carnival #5 PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU SUBMIT:This carnival will focus on using the law of attraction – post a story, a poem, a video of an instance where you have seen the law of attraction working either for you or you can tell someone else?s story too. You might like to share a daily practice that has helped you.
I would love to see included on this carnival: poems, motivational sayings,images, maybe even a podcast or a video that inspires you or one you have made. Please make sure the post is on topic, there are lots of other carnivals for Personal Development, Network Marketing, Business Practice, Health and Fitness, etc.
As long as I don’t change my mind about the world and myself, I will get just more of the same old. What does it matter, if I become a billionaire, if I still get old, sick and die in the end?
I attract what I think I am. No one ever escapes his own mind.
We don’t know what we really need and what would make us happy in any given situation. No one can tell us. Period. It is because we are not from here, and have forgotten who we really are.
It has to be a miracle, or not of my own fabrication.
Thanks for including my article in your Carnival. I look forward to reading everyone’s articles. They always enrich my life.
I miss our discussions on the forum, would like to run my new idea by you and hear your thoughts. I love the thirty day challenge, thanks so much for letting me onto it!
Thanks for including my post! I’ve linked back here in The Million Dollar Blog Carnival Roundup (September 7, 2007 Edition) at:
Thanks from great resources. Also nice photo on top of the post.
I clearly got the message you are trying to give with this post, thank you for your words, they really encourage people like me, thank you once again.
My pleasure:)