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Welcome to the Abundance Cafe

Take a pit stop off the Highway for some  inspiration from our Super Abundant Bloggers

How’s Your Thinking

I was just writing Does Being Rich Empower You? when I saw this post from Liz Strauss and was attracted by the title

Stop Thinking Poor – Start Irresistibly Growing Your Business at Successful-Blogger

No one does it on purpose. Who would? Why would they? Yet I’ve seen it. I see it now. Something negative happens. People hit a wall with their business. They pull back, retreat to safer ground to protect what they have. They question their commitment, their strategy, their decisions. This sort of risk mitigation can be a good thing

The problem happens when we start thinking poor.

Liz asks: Is Thinking Poor Managing Your Business Down the Drain?


The Road Less Travelled

The Jungle of Life

Lance inspires me each Sunday with his thought fot the day and todays I love

I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

he~ Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken”

Sunday Thought For The Day


Random Acts of Kindness

Positive Provocations

Zeenat is doing a Smile experiment this month join in..

We all know that a thing of beauty is a joy forever and that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Isn’t it interesting how the perception of beauty changes from person to person and heart to heart.

Support a Great Cause

Do it Myself Blog –

Glenda has set us a challnege again- help her ! Last year, thanks to you, 100 people in need enjoyed a warm meal on Christmas. Let’s do it again this year! Announcing…The Best of…The Left Thumb Blogger: Volume II – Readers’ Choice Edition

Let’s Feed 100 People in Need Christmas Dinner, Again

SAB will return next week as a regular feature.

Wishing everyone a great week of  abundance


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