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In applying Deliberate Attraction to my life,I have been working with having positive vibes and I am becoming consciously aware of how much I prefer the feeling of having a  positive vibe over the negative ones.

I now record incidents of abundance each day in my abundance log and I celebrate my wins. This makes me smile.

This sunrise did put my vibes in a positive mood and was a great start to the day.


Sunrise at Rainbow Bay 21st March 2008


Saturday morning brought more high vibes and joy, as  a beautiful rainbow formed over Coolangatta after a shower of rain.


While we were walking on the beach and picking up someempty bottles, I was gifted with a paintbrush from the sea and a brand new lighter, something I had been meaning to buy to light the morning candle and incense. To top it off it was purple.

Then last night I was blessed to see a full moon, almost a perfect image. Looking into the sky there looked as if there was a face.

This morning,(without camera) as I was driving to the farmers market, I saw a beautiful sunrise over the river and the full moon was still in the sky.

Smiles as well as abundance were a plenty for me this week

What made you smile this week?

Consider joining Lightening’s Smiley Saturday

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